
Showing posts from July, 2013

SEO Tutorial 3.4: Press Release Submission

Press Release submission is also a big part of off page optimization. The press release submission as like article submission. It’s also comes in Social Media Optimization (SMO). In a press submission we put all real necessary information in press content. It’s also a free source of one back link.             It also ask for registration like article, after registration you can submit your press release, there many press release no ask for registration, you can submit it directly. Here we are sharing some useful press release submission site list. Press Release Submission Site http://www.24-7pressrelease....

SEO Tutorial 3.3: Top Article Submission Site List

We have learnt what is social bookmarking and how to submit it in our previous  SEO Tutorial 3.2 : High PRSocial Bookmarking Submission . Now we learn here an off page optimization another best element that is article submission. Article submission is a very good medium to get free one way link. It’s a very important and very helpful to increasing search engine ranking.                 Every an article submission site has their own guidelines and policy to submit the article. Mostly the article submission site needed spun content to approve.                 After free registration or signup, you can submit your article in the article site. In an article site needed to submit TITLE, SUMMARY, BODY, KEYWORD TAG, and SOURCE .  Some time ask for Author name, Email ID and Website Url. Here is we are sharing some Important and Hig...

SEO Tutorial 3.2: High PR Social Bookmarking Submission

Now we are learning off page optimization. We have already been learned, in SEO Tutorial 3.1: Directory Submission . What is directory submission and how to submit it? Now we will learn about social bookmarking it’s also an important part of off page optimization. It also helps to increase search engines ranking and referral traffic.                      What is social bookmarking? Social bookmarking is free social website, there we bookmark and sharing our webpage, content and pictures.                How to submit it? You can submit it after free registration or signup. Mostly needed Username, Email ID and password. Here are we sharing you some best and High PR social Bookmarking list. Try to submit yourself. Top Social Bookmarking PR 6